
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dual Tone Butterfly Mantou II

And so it is the return of the dual tone butterfly mantou! I love the making process of these butterfly buns. Love to see the transformation of a plain dough into a butterfly shaped bun.

Super LOVE this creative buns recipe book by 彭秋婷 so much it is like a bible to me. I need to flip and read it like everyday!

I did the chocolate flavour ones once more. No change from the last round, except that I included the pictures on how to make those butterfly shapes this time.

Had wanted to try making matcha flavour ones since I have lotsa matcha powder from my Hokkaido trip but shun that thought. I was too afraid of weird tasting buns, so I fell back onto using cocoa powder - don't think I will go wrong with that hehe!

So addicted to making them but I needa put a halt to these. I have so much more things to try so mantou making have gotta take a backseat for now. Till next time!

Dual Tone Butterfly Mantou 雙色蝴蝶捲
Servings: 60g × 12 pcs

(Scroll down for original recipe in Chinese)

A. Dough
7g Instant yeast
260g fresh milk
50g caster sugar
500g plain flour
10g butter

B. 2g red yeast powder (I used cocoa powder)

1. Mix caster sugar with 3/4 of fresh milk (195g) and stir well to dissolve sugar. Sprinkle instant yeast over remaining 65g of fresh milk and let it sit for about 2 minutes before stiring them to dissolve yeast. Place all other dry ingredients in A into a mixing bowl, pour in the wet in ingredients and mix well to form a rough dough. Knead dough till smooth and shiny.

2. Place kneaded dough in mixing bowl and cover with clingwrap to let proof for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Divide dough into 2 equal portions. Knead red yeast powder (or cocoa powder) into 1 portion of dough till colour is even and dough is smooth and shiny. Roll out 2 of the dough till flat and almost even size.

4. a) Brush water on 1 side of each flattened dough and place 1 dough of top of the other. Trim off sides of layered dough to get a rectangular shape and carefully roll up layered dough like rolling swiss roll. About 1cm at the end of the dough, brush on some water and gently press down dough to flatten it a little. Leave a tip of the end unrolled.


b) Using a sharp knife, make precise cuts of about 1cm each. Place 2 pieces of cut dough together, sides of the dough with unrolled end facing each other. Place 2 chopsticks by the sides of the dough and press in chopsticks to meet (to form wings of butterfly). Repeat the same for the rest of the cut dough.

5. Place baking paper under dough and leave dough in steamer to proof for 20 to 30 minutes.

6. Steam mantou on medium high heat for 8 minutes. Make sure water is boiling before placing in mantou. Place lid cover sideway for about 1 minute. Remove steamer with lid covered slideways away from stove and let cool for further 2 minutes or so to cool - this is done to prevent mantou skin from crinkling up with the sudden temperature change. Serve warm!

To store, place cool mantou in ziplock bag and keep in freezer. Put mantou to steam again and it will turn soft and fluffy to eat once more.

(Original Recipe in Chinese by 彭秋婷的创意手作中式發面) 

分量  60g x 12个 

A   面团
速溶酵母 --- 7g
鲜奶 --- 260g
细砂糖 --- 50g
中筋面粉 --- 500g
奶油 --- 10g

B   红麹粉 --- 2g (我用可可粉)

1   搅拌 
先将细砂糖与配方中 3/4 的鲜奶充分搅拌均匀, 酵母与配方中 1/4 的鲜奶拌均匀, 将其他材料 A 放入盆中, 再倒入液状材料揉至呈光滑面团。

2   松弛
盖上湿布或保鲜膜, 让面团基本发酵 5-10 分钟。

3   延压

4   整形
a   将两份面皮用水重叠组合,修整四边,再将面皮由长向密实捲起, 在距离收口 1cm 处刷上水,固定好。
b   用刀切取约 1cm 长度, 在两两背面相对, 用筷子夹住成蝴蝶形状, 并捏出蝴蝶翅膀造型。

5   发酵
执上烘焙纸,间隔排入蒸笼層中,最后发酵 20-30 分钟。

6   蒸製
移入热水蒸锅, 以中火蒸 8 分钟,时间到后将蓋子打开一个小缝 1 分钟, 移出蒸锅再放置 2 分钟后掀蓋。


  1. That's so simple it's brilliant! I'll have to try it.

  2. Hi Marjie, thanks for dropping by :) and yes, making these are fun, quick & easy!
    Try then out yeah?

  3. Your mantou looks so pretty! Yes, it does look like fun, making the dough into pretty butterflies! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks Joyce. It was fun doing them and more fun to be able to contribute to Cook-Your-Books :)

  5. Janice, these butterfly mantou are simply cute! Looks like you enjoy playing with dough, huh?

    1. Hehehe yes Phong Hong, you're so right! I really enjoy playing with dough and making shapes out of them 😀 I hv a love for anything cute even though I should be over that cutesy stage 😄


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