Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wu Pao Chun's Matcha Red Bean Toast

I have a colleague in office who loves baking and cooking as much as I do. Some 2 weeks back she asked if I knew anything about Wu Pao Chun's Champion Toast and also if I have tried baking it.  

There have been much ravings about this loaf and I saw many food bloggers baking these loaves. I bookmarked this but no action taken thus far.  Now that my colleague brought this up, I thought it's time that I bake one.  

This bread is good in the sense where there is no need to prepare the sponge dough a day before. I can make this bread at anytime I want to. The bread is soft due to the amount of milk used. Best of all, no need for egg! Easy peasy.  A must-try indeed :)

Wu Pao Chun's Matcha Red Bean Toast
Recipe by Baking Taitai

(I used my leftover azuki beans instead of white chocolate)

198g Fresh milk 
270g Bread flour 
30g Organic wholemeal flour 
10g Matcha powder (can replaced with Cocoa powder)
14g Organic raw sugar (can replaced with castor or fine sugar) I used 30g castor sugar
1 tsp Salt  (about 3g)
1 tsp Instant dry yeast (about 3g)
14g Unsalted butter 
100g White chocolate chips I used 45g azuki bean paste

*I reduced the amount of sugar as the white chocolate chips are sweetened. 

Breadmaker loaf method:  

1. Place all ingredients based on the sequence listed above (except butter) into the breadmaker pan. (Note: Place sugar on the left side and salt on the right side. Make an indention at the centre of the flour and add instant yeast, make sure it does not touch the wet ingredients below.

2. Select pasta program. (Kenwood BM250 - select program '9' , this cycle takes 14 minutes to complete.)

3.  At the end of program '9', select basic loaf program and add in the butter. (Kenwood BM250 - select program '1',750g loaf and light crust , this cycle takes 3 hrs and 18mins to complete.) 

Update:If you are baking the bread in the oven, at the end of program '9', select dough program, add in butter. (Kenwood BM250 - select program '8', this cycle takes 1 hrs and 30 mins to complete.). 

4. Add in the white chocolate chips at the end of the 2nd kneading cycle. (Kenwood BM250 will sound an alert for adding the ingredients at the timing 2:56.)

If baking in oven, remove 1st proof risen bread dough and knock out air. Divide into 3 equal portions and leave aside for 5min to let the dough relax before rolling it out.  Spread azuki red bean paste over dough and roll it up like a swiss roll.  Put dough into a greased loaf tin or Pullman tin and let proof for 1 hour or till 3/4 of tin. Bake in preheated oven at 180deg C for 20min or till done. 

5. Remove the dough paddle at the last stage of kneading so that the bottom of the loaf will not have a big hole.  (Kenwood BM250 -remove at 1:42) 

6. Shape the dough back nicely after paddle is removed, close the lid and leave the dough to rise。When baking is done, remove the bread immediately from the baking pan to prevent shrinking and sweating. Cool it on a wire rack for about 30 mins before slicing

7. Store in an air-tight container and consume within 2-3 days as homemade bread does not contain any preservatives.

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