Monday, April 28, 2014

Pumpkin Loaf (Sponge dough method)

My first pumpkin loaf bread.  Nice and soft. I like how the pumpkin puree turned my bread into a nice orange coloured loaf.

As much as I can, I try not to use colour essences in my cools and bakes as to much of those artificial colour essences can be detrimental to health. This is one reason why homemade stuff is still the best.

Ending this short post with the pumpkin loaf bread recipe by Kimmy-Cooking Pleasure (I halved the whole recipe and made just 1 loaf).

Pumpkin Loaf Bread

Ingredients for sponge dough
150g bread flour
1 tsp instant yeast
125ml water

Mix all ingredients into a soft rough dough.  Cover and leave to proof for at least 1-2 hours or put in a plastic bag, tie up and without proofing, keep in fridge for at least 4 hours (I left my sponge dough to proof in the fridge overnight, about 14 hours). Thaw for 15 minutes before adding sponge dough into bread dough ingredients.

Ingredients for bread dough
125g bread flour (I used 150g bread flour and did not use wholemeal flour)
25g wholemeal flour
1.5 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Half egg
100g pumpkin puree
25ml water [did not add]
25g butter

1. Add all ingredients except water and butter to the sponge dough. Knead until well co,bined, then gradually add in water (if necessary) while kneading untik a soft dough is formed. Knead for about 10 minutes then add in butter. Continue kneading untik you get a soft, smooth, elastic dough and it does not stick to the fingers, or to window pane stage (to test, try stretching a small part of the dough till a thin membrane is formed without having holes formed).
2. Shape into a ball and cover with a clean cloth to proof for 15 minutes or till double in size. Punch down dough.
3. Roll out dough into a rectangle shape and fold into thirds, then roll dough into a log like a swiss roll. Place in greased baking tin and leave to proof for more than an hour or double in size.
4. Bake in preheated oven at 180deg C for 25 minutes.  Remove to cool on rack immediately after baking.

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